Saturday, November 7, 2009


First of all, let me tell you about a new website: Black Girl With Long Hair I LOVE it!  It has great pictures of women who have gone natural and they are so beautiful.  The site also has great articles/posts including this one: Interview with Aron Ranen  Be sure to watch the video at the end.  It makes me so sad that we African Americans are taking money from our own businesses and pouring it into other businesses without any thought.  First of all, I want to say there is nothing wrong with shopping at a store that is not Black-owned, BUT when our Black-owned businesses are shutting down in Black neighborhoods b/c of other businesses, that is just sad!  How are we going to get anywhere if we don't support our own?!  If you think about Jewish, or Asian communities where a high concentration of a certain ethnicity lives, they have THEIR OWN businesses in those neighborhoods and the people of the neighborhood support those businesses instead of traveling elsewhere.  That's why so many of those places have been around for decades.  We need to do the same.  We spend BILLIONS of dollars in haircare.  How many Black families could we be supporting with that money?  How many Black teenagers could we keep off of the streets and out of jails if they were working in a legitimate family business???  There is no excuse for Black people not to patronize Black hair care stores.  No excuse.  Maybe I need to open up one of my own one day...