Sunday, August 23, 2009


It's been almost a week since I took the plunge and I'm still feeling great. I have gotten so many compliments about my new style and I don't regret my decision for one minute. My husband is even okay with it. Even though he has always preferred long, straight hair, he still thinks my new style looks good on me. I believe a big part of it has been the fact that I am once again liking the way I look and in return, I am caring more about my appearance in general.
For months, I had been feeling so hopeless about my hair that I just kind of gave up. I just slapped it back into a bun and went out the door. There were a few times that I attempted a style, but it always seemed to backfire so most days I went back to the old ugly standby. Now I am like a new person. I've been smiling more & my attitude in general has improved. It's so interesting that when you make one positive change in your life, so many other things line up and change for the better as well.
On a funny note, sometimes when I look in the mirror, the first person that pops into my head is Wanda Sykes! LOL Of course I didn't mention it to Charles, I just waited until he noticed it. It didn't take long, yesterday he was teasing me & called me Wanda. I was just cracking up. I know him & I knew he would say it. :-)
One more thing before I go to sleep - I love playing with my hair and stretching out my curls just for them to spring back. I never played in my hair this much before, but it's so springy and soft I just LOVE IT! (Can anyone tell that I'm happy? :-) )

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