Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Today Is the Day

In about an hour, I will make the biggest hair change of my life. Of course now I'm starting to have some mixed feelings. I had a nonchalant attitude about it all until last night when I realized this is it. I can't go back once it's done.
I'm not trying to talk myself out of it though. I know there are people who will think I look weird or ugly, but I'm not concerned about them. I am doing this for the health of my hair and to have the freedom to do what I want with the hair I was born with.
I realize it won't be as easy to deal with as it would had I been born with naturally straight, or wavy hair as opposed to tightly curly. I'm ready though. I will make this work. The whole sad part about it is so many of us with this type of hair have to take such a big emotional/mental step when it comes to loving the hair we were born with. Why can't we just learn to love it from the start? I will never blame my mother, or her mother, or any of my ancestors for causing me not to love my natural hair. All of the blame goes to this crazy society in which everything associated with our African roots has been made out to be ugly and undesirable. It's changing little by little and someday we can all love how we are.

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